Tag Archive for American icons

Equal Visibility Everywhere: changing the face of America one symbol at a time

How many national holidays for female historical figures are there? When is the last time you saw a woman on a stamp? Where are women’s faces on our paper currency?

EvE: Equal Visibility Everywhere was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in early March 2010, and their mission is to increase the visibility of women as positive role models in the media, as well as the nation’s monuments such as statues, street names and postage stamps.

“We live in a culture dominated by male icons, images, memorials, and statues. This subtle but continuous flood of male images both inflates male entitlement and diminishes the confidence of women. When girls and women don’t see themselves on our currency or our stamps, or memorialized in our statuary, the message is clear: You are invisible. You don’t matter.”

Visit their website to find out more and contribute to this important cause.

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