Tag Archive for children

Community Forum in Response to Seward Park Library Sexual Assault


Sunday, June 6, 2010
1:00pm to 2:30pm
Mazer Theater of The Educational Alliance
197 East Broadway

(This forum takes place exactly one month
from the day a 9-year old girl was sexually-assaulted inside the library.)

What? This is a public forum for families, leaders, and elected officials to discuss and raise awareness on preventing sexual assault of children.

Why is this important? Come and share your views. Learn how communities prevent and address these kinds of crimes in our community.

Special thanks to Seward Park CO-OP, 7th Precinct Community Council, and The Lo Down NY and these supporting organizations/companies (in formation):

Beth Israel Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Intervention Program
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New York
Chinatown Ice Cream Factory
Chinatown Sports Club
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York
DOVE Program at the New York Presbyterian Hospital
The Educational Alliance
Henry Street Settlement
Kaimen Company
Lin Sing Association
Museum of Chinese in America
New York Asian Women’s Center
The New York Center for Children
New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault
New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault
NY Strangers Sports Association
Paradigm Shift: NYC’s Feminist Community
Parent Association of PS 184M Shuang Wen
Primitive Christian Church
Project ENVISION, Lower East Side Coalition
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network)
Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Program at The Mount Sinai Medical Center
United Fujianese of American Association
United Jewish Council of East Side
Vision Urbana, Inc.

To volunteer or add your organization to this list, call (727) 851-6289.

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up to date information on speakers.

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