Legendary: A Chloe Sullivan Appreciation Project

Legendary Chloe is the first project from Legendary Women, Inc. We are a co-ed group dedicated to the positive representation of women in the media. The Legendary Chloe Project was born out of a desire to show appreciation for a young woman who, on the show Smallville, has served as Clark’s best friend, confidante, and moral compass. Over the years, we’ve watched Chloe grow into her own heroine, saving Clark almost more frequently than The Man of Steel has saved her. Chloe has become an inspiration not just through her heroism but through her dedication to the truth and to developing her journalism career. She appears to be one of the few young women on television today who is career focused, intelligent and forthright. It has propelled her into the position of role model for us.

In addition, Ms. Mack is a sterling example of what a young woman in Hollywood can achieve. Not only is she a gifted actress and one who has been praised for years for her talent, but she is also the type of woman who is exemplary, an anti-celebutante who sets a solid example for her fans. She has become a producer for two films—-Alice and Huck and Blink (http://blog.allisonmack.com/alice_and_huck; http://allisonmackweb.com/ )—the latter via her production company, Parvati, Inc. By striking out boldly, this triple threat actress/director/producer inspired us to take a chance and create our own production, a commercial tribute to her and her character, Chloe Sullivan.

“Legendary,” executive produced by up and coming actress, Liz De Razzo, is a unique fandom movement of young women and men, deciding to honor a character and an actress who remain positive role models of growth, creativity and strength.  The sixty second commercial is currently in editing. When it is completed, we hope to air on the CW affiliate KTLA in May. It’s already been written up by such sources as the CW Boston Affiliate’s twitter and by Richard Sands of TV Guide Magazine Online (http://twitter.com/cw56/status/11651204735; http://www.tvguidemagazine.com/smallville/love-and-adventure-for-chloe-sullivan-4523.html) .

For more information, please visit our site at http://legendarychloe.com and our twitter at http://twitter.com/legendarychloe.com. Fans interested in direct contact can write us at admin@legendarychloe.com.

Finally, we have the money for a KTLA airing, but we’re always trying to spread our positive message across the nation. Our next target is WPIX in New York. If you’d like to make a donation to help us buy air time in another city, you can send it via Paypal to admin@legendarychloe.com.


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