Women’s Therapy Center Inst. Presents Indwelling: Living in a Female Body

Honoree and guest speaker Danielle Sheypuk, Ph.D. Expert, media commentator, disability-rights advocate and fashion model, Dr. Danielle Sheypuk is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in the problems of dating, relationships, intimacy and sexuality, particularly among members of the disabled community. Wheelchair-dependent since childhood, Dr. Sheypuk has acquired special insights into the challenges facing the community, both in the everyday physical world as well as in the areas of mental, emotional and interpersonal well-being.
In her innovative private practice, which uses Skype-based therapy sessions specifically for people with disabilities, she treats a variety of mental health issues, with a special focus in the areas of dating, relationships and sexuality. For more information, visit http://daniellesheypuk.com/skype-therapy

–News from ENDANGERED BODIES NY. In March, 2011, The WTCI convened an international summit – Endangered Species: Preserving The Female Body. Out of that, the Endangered Bodies Campaign was launched- partnering with like-minded body positive organizations (now in 8 different countries) who are engaged in the the same fight to free women’s/girls’ bodies from commodification and objectification.

–For the last 30 years, The WTCI has offered a Speakout, a time honored traditional forum for women to find their individual voice and share experiences, allowing the personal story of each woman to be heard, dignified, and transformed by our coming together.


Saturday, March 7, 2015
Friends Meeting House
15 Rutherford Place @ East 15th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves
(a short walk fr/Union Square) Registration: $30 / students, $20
Send-A-Sister Donation $25
All are welcome and underwritten tickets are available. Contact wtcinyc@mac.com

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