Trust Women Week Jan 22-28

Today is the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. The Feminist Majority Foundation is partnering this week with the Trust Women/Silver Ribbon Campaign and over 45 other organizations to build momentum and solidarity for reproductive health, rights and justice.

Won’t you join the march and forward this to your friends and family?

Pro-choice women and men spoke out resoundingly in the 2012 elections – defeating some of the most virulently anti-choice candidates and re-electing President Obama, a staunch supporter of women’s reproductive rights and health. And we defeated a ballot measure in Florida that would have outlawed public funding for abortion and endangered all women should Roe ever be overturned.

But despite these victories, extreme anti-choice members of Congress wasted no time in re-introducing legislation to cut off family planning funding. And right-wing governors and state legislators escalated their War on Women. In its lame duck session, the Michigan legislature passed an extreme TRAP law (Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers) in an effort to close abortion clinics. In Mississippi, the only remaining clinic is threatened with closure should a federal court allow that state’s TRAP law to go into effect.

We must make sure our voices are heard! So we are joining over 45 organizations in the Trust Women online march – please join today!

The majority of women and men across the country support comprehensive healthcare for women and reproductive freedom – and yet we are still fighting for our fundamental rights. This online march is a way for us to stand in solidarity, show our numbers, and send a strong message to elected officials that we’re watching and we vote.

Click here to join the march and send your message supporting abortion and contraception access for all women today.

When you join the online march, you’ll be able to see messages from people marching around the country, and you’ll be able to choose your own message to send in support of comprehensive women’s health care.

So please join the online March for Trust Women Week now and make your voice be heard!

For women’s equality,
Ellie Smeal
Feminist Majority Foundation President

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