The first Feminist General Assembly! May 17 @ 6.30

Women Occupying Wall Street (WOW) invites people and organizations of all gender identities to the first Feminist General Assembly!

Thursday, May 17, 2012
6:30pm until 9:00pm
Washington Square Park
Together, let’s stand for justice and disarm the war on women. It’s time to rise up!

Misogyny is flagrant in our patriarchal society, not only from the politicians, but even from our comrades.  It’s time for us to join, support, and empower each other by amplifying all our voices.

This will be the beginning of what we hope will become an ongoing discussion throughout the nation and worldwide. Through this assembly we will create a public space for collaborating to address patriarchy, violence, and hierarchical structures that harm everyone.

In the spirit of cooperation and transparency of Occupy Wall Street,  we have been meeting and continue to do so once a week, on various days of the week, and at various locations to openly plan the event and make it accessible to as many as possible.

Please RSVP to us at to let us know if you’d also like to take part in planning with us. And of course, feel free to please pass this along!

in solidarity,

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