Unite Women March and Rally in NYC and nationwide!

Unite Women New York (UWNY) is a new organization formed by volunteers from all over the state to oppose anti-women legislation and to celebrate the history of women in the United States.

On Saturday, April 28, 2012, women and men across the United States will converge in state capitols and cities to give voice to our opposition to the oppression of women’s access to health care and women’s rights. Politicians in Washington and in legislatures across the country have been trying, and in some cases succeeding, to legislate away the rights that women have fought for and won over 40 years ago. We will not let them turn back the calendar  to the middle of the last century.

Join us as we march united against the war on women  in New York City and  celebrate the history of women in the United States. The march and rally will also provide a platform to honor national and local organizations struggling to support women and to advocate for equal rights as well as  local and state government officials who stand with us in opposition to the current social agenda aimed at reducing women’s rights.

WHAT: Unite Against the War on Women March & Rally

WHEN: Saturday, April 28, 2012

REGISTER: 11:00 AM – Noon  at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Site, 23-29 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003 (between Greene Street and Washington Square East)

MARCH: 12:00 – 1:00 PM From the Shirtwaist Factory down Broadway to Foley Square/Thomas Paine Park

RALLY: 1:00 – 4:00 PM at Foley Square/Thomas Paine Park (between County Court House, Worth St, Pearl St, and Centre St)

WHO:  The event is free and open to the public

RSVP for our event here!

Unite Women is currently accepting volunteers and interns! If you are interested in becoming more involved in any capacity, please send your resume to UniteWomenNY@gmail.com.

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