Urgent Deadline 2/14 12 noon: Orgs Needed to Support Contraceptive Coverage in Student Health Plans

Dear friends,

For the past few weeks, birth control (of all things), has been all over the media because of the Administration’s recent decision to make sure that birth control is covered through health plans (except for those that work at churches and other houses of worship).

After the President’s announcement today to allow religious-affiliated institutions to opt-out of directly covering contraception they may oppose (insurance companies would then step in), still members of Congress are bent on dismantling this important advancement.

Please join Advocates for Youth, Campus Progress, Young Invincibles and fellow national, state, local and campus-based youth organizations by signing on to this statement in support of the Administration’s decision as well as including contraceptive coverage in student health plans. Young women are too often the ones who can’t access contraception because of cost, and we want to make sure youth voice is heard in this national debate.

If you are not a youth-focused organization, but you have a “youth arm,” please consider signing-on the statement using the name of your youth arm. While we appreciate the support of all organizations working on access to contraception, we want to ensure that young people’s voices are heard on this important issue.

To sign-on, please email the following information to Sarah at sarah@advocatesforyouth.org by Tuesday, February 14th at noon EST.

Organization’s Name:


Campus (if applicable):

Contact Person’s Name:

Contact Person’s Email Address:

We’re hoping to deliver a the letter to Congress before any vote happens on this issue which could be as soon as early next week. Please share this with students you work with, as we welcome sign-ons from individual student organizations at college campuses across the country.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.



Sarah Audelo

Senior Domestic Policy Manager

Advocates for Youth

2000 M Street NW Suite 750

Washington, DC 20036

202.419.3420 ext. 14



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