Circle of 6 iPhone App, Winner of the White House Apps Against Abuse Technology Challenge

Happy New Year from The Line Campaign!

We have big plans for 2012. One project we are particularly excited about is our new Circle of 6 iPhone App, winner of the White House Apps Against Abuse Technology Challenge.

Circle of 6 allows you to choose 6 friends you would want to contact in an emergency or uncomfortable situation. Then, should the need arise, you are able to discreetly reach out for help with the push of a button.
This year we want to get this free app to 30,000 college students.There was no cash prize for the Apps Against Abuse Technology Challenge, so we have been left to our own devices to get Circle of 6 up and running.

That’s where you come in! We need your support to finish the initial release for iPhone slated for February 2012, in time for Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month. With your support we can develop the Droid version, and spark our  college tour.

We are looking for 2500 brilliant people to donate $10 each; OR 25 brilliant and fabulous people to donate $1,000 each; OR any combination in between. Your contribution will not only fund the Circle of 6 app, it will help further a larger conversation about violence prevention.

Check out our futuristic little video – and please pledge your support! Every little bit gets us closer to our goal of preventing violence before it happens, and creating stronger, more respectful communities.

For more information, and to take the pledge to end violence in your community, visit us at and follow us on Twitter @Circleof6app. Please spread the word, post to Facebook, pass it on!

Best wishes for the New Year,


Nancy Schwartzman
Founder, The Line Campaign, Inc.

Read the press release for White House Apps Against Abuse Technology Challenge.
Read an article about Circle of 6 in the New York Daily News!

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