WAM! NYC: Women, Action & the Media Conference

WAM lt Yourself Conference for
Feminist Media Makers

Saturday, March 26, 9AM – 5PM
Hive 55 (55 Broad St) in lower Manhattan

With this year’s awesome line-up of panels and speakers, better get your seat now! Last year’s day-long conference sold out — we had to turn people away.

Registration is only $15 — Register here:


(If you would like to apply for a need-based scholarship, contact Rachel)

Featured panels this year include:

  • Feminist perspectives in progressive publications
  • Social media for activism
  • “Beats outside the box”—economy, immigration, labor, education
  • Feminist blogging
  • Pitching and getting published

Confirmed speakers: Amanda Marcotte (Pandagon/RH Reality Check), Irin Carmon (Jezebel), Jessica Bennett (Newsweek), Sarah Seltzer(Alternet), Emily May (Hollaback), Andrea Plaid (Racialicious), Janna Zinzi(Swirl PR), Julianne Escobedo Shepherd (Alternet), Kathryn Joyce(Religion Dispatches), Dana GoldsteinBryce Covert (New Deal 2.0),Michelle Chen (ColorLines),  Lauren Kelley (Alternet), Megan Carpentier(Raw Story), Jennifer LaFleur (ProPublica), Sarah Laskow (The Media Consortium), Jenn Pozner (Women in Media & News), Lori Adelman(Feministing), Jen Nedeau (Time Magazine) and more great speakers coming!

Follow this event live via Twitter at #wamnyc!

Brunch It Yourself!
Sunday, March 27 @ 12PM

Pacific Standard, 82 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, NY

After the conference, join us for brunch at Pacific Standard! The bar will serve us mimosas and Bloody Marys, but no food. So please bring a dish to share — anything! Salad, quiche, casserole, sandwiches, pasta, fruit, brownies…we’ll take it! Pacific Standard is right by the Atlantic-Pacific stop – take the N, R, Q, B, D, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

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