Sign these petitions!

  • Last year, 250 LGBT individuals were murdered in Brazil. Just a few weeks ago, a transperson was shot to death by three men. Now, the only openly gay member of the Brazilian Parliament is receiving death threats. Sign this petition which asks President Dilma Rousseff to “publicly support the proposed Anti-Homophobia and Hate Crimes Law.
  • Last year, a lesbian couple in Tennessee came home from their vacation to find that their house had been burnt down. The police department has yet to make any arrests, even though they have been made aware that the couple’s homophobic neighbor had been making threats to them prior to their house burning down. The couple’s insurance company has also failed to pay on the claim, asserting that there is not enough evidence to indicate that this fire was arson. Meanwhile, the “home had no gas service” and there was no one in the home at the time of the fire. Sign this petition which demands that the insurance company pay these women.
  • Dillard’s, a popular department store, is planning on sponsoring a fundraiser for Heroic Media in April. Meanwhile, Heroic Media is “the company behind a series of racist anti-abortion billboards popping up across the country.” These billboards have been appearing all over the country thanks to numerous anti-choice organizations. “One [example] of Heroic Media’s billboards features an image of a Black child next to the words, ‘The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.'” Sign this petition to ask Dillard’s to reconsider their decision to support a sexist, racist company that works to take away women’s reproductive rights.
  • In an article in The New York Times published on March 8th, James C. McKinley Jr. tells the story of an eleven-year old girl that was gang-raped by eighteen boys and men. Not only did Mckinley Jr. sympathize with the perpetrators, arguing that they will have to live with the consequences of their actions for the rest of their lives, but he engages in victim-blaming by discussing her “inappropriate” fashion choices, makeup, and behavior. This article is just one example of how our society encourages victim-blaming and trivializes violence against women. Sign this petition to “tell The New York Times to apologize for blaming a child for her gang rape.”
  • Hundreds and thousands of individuals have been affected by the catastrophic earthquake that struck Japan earlier this month. It is crucial that all donations be processed immediately so that people can be assisted as quickly as possible. “During the response to Haiti, cellphone companies processed mobile donations to relief organizations right away. But for Japan, they aren’t making this same exception and it could take as much as 90 days for donations to reach people in need.” Sign this petition to ask cell phone companies to stop this delay!

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