RAPE NEW YORK: A Series of Public Dialogues

Jana Leo, author of Rape New York (Feminist Press, February 2011), will be joined by Jennifer Baumgardner, Mitch McEwen, and Michelle Anderson in a series of groundbreaking conversations about urban environments, violent crime, and the criminal justice system.


a series of public dialogues

Wednesday, February 16: Bluestockings, Lower East Side, 7:00 pm

Jana Leo & Jennifer Baumgardner, co-sponsored by Right Rides

Monday, February 21: Greenlight Bookstore, Fort Greene, Brooklyn, 7:30 pm

Jana Leo & Mitch McEwen, co-sponsored by Hollaback!

Tuesday, February 22: CUNY Graduate Center, Midtown NYC, 6:30 pm

Jana Leo & Michelle Anderson, co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities at CUNY

*All events are free and open to the public.  Rape New York is available at www.feministpress.org.  To arrange an interview, order review copies, or for more information, contact Elizabeth Koke, FP publicity, at ekoke@gc.cuny.edu or 212-817-7928.*


Praise for Rape New York:

“Absorbing, tender, insightful, terrifying, this book will change the way you think. In an extraordinary eloquent refusal of the line between the personal and the public, it takes us from the slow-motion details of a traumatic violation to a multidimensional reflection on the institutions and spaces of contemporary life. Memoir becomes urban manifesto.” — Beatriz Colomina, professor of Architecture and founding director of the Program in Media and Modernity at Princeton University

“Rape New York is evocative, wrenching—a raw, uncensored, singular exploration of the public and personal.” — Caitlin Roper, BOMB

“In this harrowing and exhilarating narrative, Jana Leo blasts open all the comforting fictions that we take for truths. Raped in New York, she turns the tables on New York and instructs her own case, drawing in landlords, police, lawyers, therapists, the entire environment which conspires to normalize complex and singular experiences.  A real eye-opener.” — Sylvere Lotringer, publisher of Semiotext(e) and Professor Emeritus, Columbia University

“Your front door lock is broken and your landlord doesn’t give a damn.  Jana Leo’s exploration of the public and private spaces in Rape New York effectively merges the vulnerability of the city with that of the body itself. A powerful and engrossing work.” — Arthur Nersesian, author of The Fuck-Up

“….In re-presenting the constellation of events that lead to and from that attack, Leo represents life in all its random brutality and orchestrated dignity – in other words, the best that can be said about this book is that it is true, which is the only real measure of real art, and honest existence.” — Vanessa Place, author of The Guilt Project and Statement of Facts

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