NOW-NYC Rally to TAKE RAPE SERIOUSLY – Secure Justice for 3 Teen Girls

Tuesday, November 9th, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
111 Centre Street, NYC (between Leonard & White;
6, Q, N, R, J, Z to Canal St.)
There couldn’t be a more important way to spend your lunch hour! Please get this on your calendar and carve out a few extra minutes of your day to take a stand against violence that targets women and girls. Let us know if you plan to attend!
212.627.9895 |

NOW-NYC and anti-violence advocates from across the city are joining forces to ask Justice Cassandra Mullen to give confessed rapist, Tony Simmons, a sentence with jail time.  Recently, the Manhattan Supreme Court Justice proposed a sentence of ten years probation with absolutely no jail time for this court-appointed juvenile counselor who pled guilty to raping one girl and sexually assaulting two others.

If Simmons, who admitted to sexually assaulting three teen girls, can get off without any jail time, what does that mean for women victims of rape across the city?  We need to send a message to Justice Mullen, law enforcement, our leaders, and our community to Take Rape Seriously!

1)  Join our rally and press conference on Tuesday, November 9th 12:30 pm and help us send a strong message!  We’ll have signs available, or you can bring your own. Our key messages are: (a) Take Rape Seriously
(b) NO Getting Away With Rape  (c) Simmons Should Serve

2)  Sign Our Petition NOW to Justice Cassandra Mullen to demand jail time for this violent offender and justice for the victims. We will present our petition to Justice Mullen after the rally.  3) Get more signers on this petition. Send out the link to the petition widely. Forward to friends, bloggers, and post on Facebook and Twitter. URL: More info: Get the full story here along with news links and updates!

Beth Israel Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Intervention Program
Crime Victims Treatment Center – St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital

NYC Alliance Against Sexual Assault
National Action Network

Sanctuary for Families

*as of 11/3

To learn about more of NOW-NYC’s actions, meetings, and events please visit us at:

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