Drawing the Line: Sex and Consent – A Conversation about the Language of Rape

Date/Time: November 10th, 6-8PM
Location: WeNews Headquarters, 6 Barclay Street, Sixth floor, New York NY 10007
Map: http://tinyurl.com/lfdzqo
RSVP to events@womensenews.org – Subject: Nov 10th RSVP

Women’s eNews and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) are starting a conversation on rape and consent with a screening of The Line, a documentary about a young woman who is raped and decides to confront her attacker.

A panel discussion will follow with the filmmaker, Nancy Schwartzman, and three experts on sexual violence and media, who will engage the audience in a conversation about the language surrounding rape.

The panelists:

Nancy Schwartzman is a filmmaker, writer, and activist, whose focus is on sex and communication. She is the director of the documentary The Line and the founder of the The Line Campaign, which empowers young people to re-envision their intimate relationships. She lectures worldwide on the topic of consent and boundaries.

Joseph Samalin is the Coordinator of Training & Technical Assistance at Men Can Stop Rape and has been actively working against gender-based violence for over 15 years. He has worked with Safe Horizon’s Anti-Stalking Program, teen dating violence awareness organization Day One, and the New York City Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence.

Kelly McBride, of the Poynter Institute, is a writer, teacher, and the leading voice in American journalism on how the media covers sexual assault. As a reporter, she covered issues ranging from white supremacy to the Catholic Church’s abuse scandal. Her expertise has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN.

Andrea (AJ) Plaid is the Sexual Correspondent for the race-and-pop culture blog Racialicious. She is also co-edits blog’s upcoming Love, Anonymously blog carnival, which will feature posts on and by people of color regarding love and sex. Her discussions on race, gender, and sex have been featured in Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and Bitch as well as on GRITtv’s “Chew on This” segment. Her work has been republished, among other online sites, Penthouse, WireTap Magazine, New American Media, and RaceWire.

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