FREE! Rewrite Your Sexual Script: 5 Creative Ways to Nurture & Ignite Your Sexuality

Paradigm Shift is proud to support our partner:
Rewrite Your Sexual Script: 5 Creative Ways to Nurture & Ignite Your Sexuality

hosted by Amy Jo Goddard

Many women are super empowered in the world, very successful and able
to freely assert themselves—but they are unable to carry this power
into their sexual lives, leaving them feeling insecure, or deprived of
a core power they question whether they can really have. Many cultural
factors, including a lack of know-how and role models, contribute to
this gap. When your role models for what is sexually powerful come
from narrow depictions of women in ubiquitous advertising, music
videos or even pornography, it’s hard to figure out what your
authentic sexual power actually looks like!

In this engaging and thought-provoking teleclass, you’ll discover:

•    4 core reasons why women become sexually disempowered
•    4 essential elements that can assist you to nurture and grow
your sexuality, no matter where you are right now
•    How your own creativity can nurture your sexuality and help
you come closer to your core sexual self
•    6 steps to personally empower yourself sexually

Sexuality educator Amy Jo Goddard will discuss the gaps and patterns
she has observed over her 15 year sexuality career, and provide
concrete ways women can access their most authentically powerful
sexual selves. Women of all sexual orientations and identities are
welcome to be a be part of this dynamic class, to begin to dialogue
about feeling more confident in their own sexuality and with their
sexual and intimate partners. Participants will also get information
on how to be a part of the Women’s Sexuality Empowerment
Apprenticeship, which begins on October 12 in NYC!

Two classes:
Thursday, September 30, 2010 from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM (ET)

To sign up:

Monday, October 04, 2010 from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (ET)

To sign up:

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