Brokeback Marriages: bisexual activity in traditional marriages

In the rainbow of the bisexual community, one more complicated stripe is the practicing bisexual in a traditional marriage. Based on the situation presented in the award winning motion picture, Brokeback Mountain, we call these “Brokeback Marriages”

In the worst case, the extramarital sexual activity is done under cover of dark, or behind closet doors. This is when same sex affairs happen without the consent or knowledge of the opposite sex betrothed. In the best case, the practicing bisexual has come to full awareness and has negotiated the terms of the play beyond the traditional monogamous paradigm.

In either case, that path from closet to open self acceptance can be as uniquely harrowing as any coming out story. Have you been in such a situation or would you like to work through the “What if it were me?” scenarios? Does every playful partner have to come out as bisexual or is the negotiation with the marriage partner the real hurdle? How does the bisexual activity make this different from any other extramarital affair? And in the larger context, when if ever will our society be ready to accept such an arrangement? Or must couples who work it out just be moving to their own kind of closet.. from their families, from their neighbors, from their friends?

Gather with bi and bi-friendly folk to explore the landscape of the Brokeback. Share your own experiences or wonder outloud how you would deal with a wandering partner, or your own lustful temptations. Or just hang out and listen to what others have to say in BiRequest’s fabulously safe, non-judgmental environment.

And if you can’t make it to the meeting, feel free to join us
afterward “eight-fifteenish” for dinner at:

Good Stuff Diner
109 West 14th Street
(north side of 14th St, just west of 6th Ave)

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