Free Class: Unstuck Your Sensual Self & Ignite Pleasure and Desire

Sometimes we feel disconnected from the experience of pleasure. Sometimes life gets in the way of us experiencing the deepest forms of pleasure. What is holding you back from experiencing pleasure and desire in your daily life? How can you rekindle flames of desire that might be smothered right now? What are the things that make you feel most alive? How can you work to bring those aspects of your life into greater alignment with how you live on a day-to-day basis? Water, and therefore, flow, lives in the second chakra, the home of our sexuality, our sensual selves, our desire. When we get stuck in our attachments, we dam the flow of pleasure in our lives. In this workshop we will use movement, meditation, reflection and group exercises to “unstuck” ourselves, create clarity about how to churn the butters of deliciousness in our lives, and open the second chakra to embrace pleasure and desire in a new way.

Amy Jo Goddard is a professional sexuality educator, artist, writer, activist, and sex and relationship coach. Her background includes a Master’s degree in Human Sexuality Education, training as a sex coach, 15 years of experience teaching sexuality to adults, youth and children, and her own deep work as a sexual being.

For more information about Amy Jo, check out

Tuesday, March 16th 7:00pm-9:30pm
Nurture’s Path
1133 Broadway Suite 1020, New York, NY

To register for this event, go to

If you can’t make it to the in-person class, check out the tele-class version. Amy Jo is offering this free version of the class on Wednesday, March 17th at noon in the comfort of your own home. To register for the class and receive the call-in number, go to

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