Partner Event: RAHA Iranian Women’s Collective hosts a International Women’s Day celebration

RAHA Iranian Women’s Collective hosts a International Women’s Day celebration
Monday, March 8, 7pm

Alwan for the Arts
16 Beaver Street, 4L
New York, NY

Join RAHA Iranian Women’s Collective for a community celebration of 100 years of International Women’s Day! We will be screening a *short* documentary of the historic 1979 women’s day march in Tehran that drew women from around the world, followed by a roundtable discussion amongst activists and participants from throughout NYC. Plus cake!

Now more than ever, it is time to build bridges across communities – our celebration will gather folks from across the city to come together in recognition and celebration of one hundred years of strength, solidarity, and struggle.

We hope you can add your voice to this celebration; more details to come!

In solidarity,

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