Exhibition: Femicide

March 12th –  April 10th  2010 – Opening Show on March 12th 7:00 PM – 10:00PM

Contact: Mia Roman  – artbymamamia@yahoo.com

Curator: Mia Roman

Abrazo Interno Gallery: Clemente Soto Velez Cultural & Educational Center

107 Suffolk Street, New York, NY 10002

About the show:

“Femicide” is defined as the systematic killing of women for various
reasons, usually cultural or domestic. Femicide is seen as a gender
crime. Most of the women were raped before being murdered and some
were mutilated, tortured and dismembered. It is an epidemic of gross
proportions. The mutilation, rape and murder of women along the
US/Mexico border, Congo, Guatemala, South Dakota, Egypt and Iraq has
become an annual statistic, with little mainstream media coverage and
even less national outcry. And the worse part of it is that many of
these disappearances are not even investigated, they literally
disappear, vanish and are wiped from legibility.

How can rapes, incest, beatings and mutilations in such places like
the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bosnia, Darfur, Afghanistan and
Haiti go unanswered? Where Femicide, the systematic and planned
destruction of the female population, is being used as a tactic of war
to clear villages, pillage mines and destroy the fabric of Congolese

Art by Mia introduces “Femicide”… bringing it to the forefront through
visual arts, poetry and music. More than thirty works by over ten
emerging and established artists will be on display. They will evoke
emotion, create dialogue and bring the coldest soul to its knees. The
exhibit’s focus is to bring awareness to the atrocity of female
killing all over the world.

About CSV/ Clemente Soto Velez Cultural & Educational Center, Inc.:

The Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center, Inc. (CSV), a
501 (C) 3 not-for-profit, was founded in 1993. The CSV Cultural Center
is a Puerto Rican/Latino cultural institution that has demonstrated a
broad-minded cultural vision and a collaborative philosophy. While
CSV’s mission is focused on the cultivation, presentation and
preservation of Puerto Rican and Latino culture, it is equally
determined to operate in a multi-cultural and inclusive manner,
housing and promoting artists and performance events that fully
reflect the cultural diversity of the Lower East Side and the city as
a whole.

Art is an expression of the unconscious and is dedicated to the free
expression of


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