March Across the Brooklyn Bridge for Health Care & the ‘Change Agenda’

March Across the Brooklyn Bridge for Health Care & the ‘Change Agenda’

Call Out the Special Interests and their Political Obstructionists
that are stopping ‘Change’ in Washington!


11:30 a.m. – Gather at Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn
12 noon – March across Brooklyn Bridge
1:00 p.m. – Rally outside NYC offices of Wellpoint Insurance
One Liberty Plaza, Broadway & Liberty Street in Manhattan

Bring posters, signs, and banners!

• AMERICA VOTED FOR CHANGE. Washington must move forward on a Change Agenda!
• HEALTH CARE IS THE WEDGE ISSUE FOR THE CHANGE AGENDA. If health care moves, so does everything else: jobs and labor law reform, climate change, financial services reform, and immigration reform.
• WASHINGTON MUST FINISH THE JOB ON HEALTH CARE. Get health care reform done, get it done right, and get it done now!
• THE SPECIAL INTERESTS AND THEIR POLITICAL SHILLS ARE STOPPING HEALTH CARE AND THE CHANGE AGENDA – health insurers, drug companies, banks and Wall St. firms, business trade groups.

Organized by Barack Obama Democratic Club, Center for Independence of the Disabled in NY, Citizen Action of NYC, Committee of Interns and Residents SEIU Healthcare, Communications Workers of America, Downtown East for Obama, Eric’s Law, Health Care for All NY, Metro NY Health Care for All Campaign, MoveOn, National Physicians Alliance, NW Bronx for Change, NY-DSA, NY Immigration Coalition, NYers for Accessible Health Coverage, NYC for Change, NYS Nurses Assoc., Public Health Assoc. of NYC, Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need, UWS Baby Boomers for Change, Queens County for Change, Tribeca for Change, Westchester Health Care Reform Task Force, Young Invincibles

For more information or to sign-on as a sponsor, contact or 212-925-1829.

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