International Women’s Day Web Seminar

“The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Improving Women’s Lives Around the World”

Join us for this exciting webseminar where representatives from Royal Dutch Shell, General Mills and Unilever will discuss their Corporate Social Responsibility programs and how it is impacting women all across the world.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and ‘Going Green’ has emerged as a new management paradigm for safeguarding a company’s brand reputation, engaging employees, maintaining customers and driving revenue. Our leadership in the 21st century is increasingly being defined by innovative approaches that integrate sustainability and profitability.

Women perform 66 percent of the world’s work, and produce 50 percent of the food, yet earn only 10 percent of the income and own 1 percent of the property.

Through CR, companies are empowering women in communities around the world to fulfill their potential by reducing poverty and driving economic growth. They are providing women with access to healthcare, job training, technology advancement and education while boosting their confidence and encouraging them to make social change.

Empowering women is a critical component of CR initiatives and ‘How’ an organization can best develop and incorporate initiatives into their core, everyday business practices.

In honor of International Women’s Day, we will explore how some top companies are changing the world by empowering women, learn more about their innovative programs, and how they are having a global impact on women by engaging in conscious commerce.

The seminar will be moderated by an early pioneer in corporate social responsibility, Samantha Taylor, Founder of Reputation Dynamics, and will feature presenters Josefine van Zanten, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion from Royal Dutch Shell; Ellen Goldberg Luger, Executive Director General Mills Foundation and Vice President, General Mills and a representative from Unilever.

Josefine van Zanten from Royal Dutch Shell will address:
– A development programme that is specifically designed for women
– How participants benefit including expanded networking and more visible roles
– Improved advancement potential of women
– How these women give back to their communities through more active external participation

Ellen Goldberg Luger from General Mills will discuss:
– General Mills’ women and children hunger initiatives
– Projects that focus on empowering women around agriculture and livelihood
– How they are working in Sub-Saharan Africa to help women start small businesses
– Their great impact on the communities

A representative from Unilever will also discuss their programs in Bangladesh that help women in rural areas by providing courses in entrepreneurship skills, helping them become financially empowered and providing them with scholarships to obtain degrees in different fields of study.

Our web seminars are easy and incredibly convenient. You just need a phone for audio and a separate Internet connection (dial-up is fine) to view slides and presentation materials. It all takes place in real time so you can participate in live Q & A with the presenters without leaving your desk or conference room.

Samantha Taylor, Founder, Reputation Dynamics

Josefine van Zanten, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion, Royal Dutch Shell
Ellen Goldberg Luger, Executive Director General Mills Foundation and Vice President, General Mills

Who should attend:

•    Specialists in Corporate Social Responsibility
•    Diversity & Inclusion Professional
•    Senior HR Executives
•    Chief Diversity Officers
•    Global Workforce Strategists
•    Recruitment and Retention Specialists
•    Benefits Officers
•    Non-HR Managers who wrestle with Diversity & Inclusion
–    Senior VPs
–    Divisional Managers
–    Line Managers
–    Network Group Leaders/Affinity Group Champions
•   WorkLife Professionals

This is a DBP member benefit and DBP members attend at no charge.

For sponsorship and non-member registration information, please contact your Account Sales Director or email

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